
Welcome to Owls Class

Mrs N Austin

Class Teacher

Miss A Hickie

Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Byrne

Teaching Assistant

Mrs R Old

Teaching Assistant


We love to learn outdoors all year round. During the winter a warm coat is essential and a a hat and gloves are useful too. In the Summer it's great to put sun cream on before school and bring a sun hat. Named sun cream can also be brought in to reapply later. We need a set of  spare clothes, wellies and waterproofs that can be left at school too. Book bags and a water bottle are brought in daily and a healthy snack is optional as fruit and milk are provided. If your child drinks a milk alternative please speak to a member of staff.



At Cubert Primary School we teach Read Write Inc phonics . As part of these lessons we send home sound blending books and story books once children are able to blend sounds. We ask that these books are brought in every day. We also visit the school library once a week and choose a book to read for pleasure.  For information on how we teach phonics in Reception Class, please visit our Curriculum/Phonics page.


Physical education is taught in a range of ways throughout the reception year. Our PE lesson takes place on a Wednesday afternoon, please can PE kits remain in school every day. We complete many different fine and gross motor skill activities, such as cutting, mark making,  formal PE sessions (ball skills, gymnastics, apparatus, team games, dance and basic movement skills) and climbing and scooting in our outside area.


We visit the library once a week as a part of our group activities. The children get to choose a book every time they visit the library, where they have access to a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. These books can be borrowed and returned once read. The children will receive a quality story time during each visit to the library.


We have opportunities for trips and visitors throughout the year .In the past we have visited Newquay Zoo, Newquay Aquarium, the cinema and the beach. We also have in school opportunities such as visits from people who help us like the police and RNLI and theatre companies.


From the Spring Term Owls Class get the option of after school clubs. Owls children can also be booked in to Cubert Kids Club , our wrap around care, which runs before and after school.

Cubert Primary School
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