

Children learn about Christianity and other religions. They are encouraged to consider other people's feelings and respect their right to hold different beliefs from one's own.
There are collective acts of worship in the school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays which are of a broadly Christian nature but always deal with morals and respect.
On Friday afternoons families and friends are welcome to join us for Celebration Assembly at 2.30pm.
Parents of pupils have the right to withdraw their children from RE and Collective Worship. To avoid any misunderstanding the Headteacher will wish to clarify with any parent wanting to withdraw their child: 
  • the religious issues about which the parent would object their child being taught
  • the practical implications of withdrawal
  • the circumstances in which it would be reasonable to accommodate parents' wishes
  • if a parent will require any advanced notice of such issues in the future

Cubert Primary School
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