
Autumn Term 2024

Mr J Fulker

Class Teacher

Miss Kerry Carpenter

Teaching Assistant


Every day starts with registration, during which time supported reading is happening, so please give your child their best chance of developing their reading skills by making sure they are at school on time.  This is followed by our phonics session where the children will be learning how to read by learning their single letter and digraph sounds and how to use them to decode words for reading and encode sounds into writing.

Early in the term, this will be followed by a carousel of activities that will cover literacy (looking at letter formation and basic writing to begin with) maths (looking at basic counting, then increasing the difficulty and range of material to include addition, subtraction, larger numbers, shape, etc) as well as a variety of activities that will change each day to encourage partner and group work including construction, art, problem solving, role play etc.  All of these activities are carried out in small groups with regular changing to ensure good coverage.

In the afternoon, we will be looking at our foundation subjects which this term will include:

History - Castles

Geography - Our Location, our place

Science - Animals (inc humans) and seasonal change

Design and Technology - Food (Dips and Dippers)

Art - Spirals and print making

PE - Sports, games and gymnastics

Music - Rap, rhythm and blues and Christmas songs for our nativity play

Computing - Technology around us and digital painting

Modern Foreign Languages (French) - Basic greetings

RE - The creation and nativity stories (Christianity)

PSHE - Being me in my world and celebrating differences



Children read with a grown up frequently in Pipits class. Pipits class swap their reading books twice per week and the timing/format of that swap will depend on their Read Write Inc group.  Children will keep book(s) for three to four nights;  to read and gain a general knowledge and understanding of the words within the text and then to build up fluency and work on comprehension. This will support your child as they begin to tackle more complex words and longer texts over the year both at home and at school in our Read, Write, Inc. sessions.

For information on how we teach phonics in Year 1, please visit our Curriculum/Phonics page.


We have a double PE session on Fridays but please make sure that your child's PE kit is in school at all times in case of timetable changes. We also ask that all items are clearly named.

Cubert Primary School
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