
Welcome to Year 2

Mrs H Greenaway

Class Teacher and Assistant Head of School

Mrs L Ham

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Ham covers Mrs Greenaway's Management and PPA time each week.

Miss C Devereaux

Teaching Assistant

Catherine supports us in class throughout the week.

Welcome to Skylarks Class (Year 2)

Year 2 is an important year as it is the year the children transition from infants to juniors and we work hard to support them to become happy, confident and independent learners ready for their move to Key Stage 2 at the end of the year.


In Skylarks, homework is set every Friday and is due back in the following week. Homework consists of either literacy, maths, topic or science and will introduce a new topic or reinforce what the children have been learning that week. We also post spellings on Class Dojo for your child to practise every week. These will be taught in school too and children will be tested the following Friday in a relaxed and informal manner. Children can take their spelling book home so that parents can see their results but must be kept in their bookbag so they can be used in class throughout the week.


All reading is hugely beneficial to your child; this includes listening to them read, reading to them at bedtime, allowing them to read independently and reading everyday print such as road signs, labels etc. Any reading at home is encouraged in order to support your child to become more fluent and familiar with different text types.

Whilst your child has their book, they should be reading it several times in order to: build up fluency, intonation and expression; gain a general knowledge and understanding of the words within the text; work on their understanding of characters, settings or features of the text if reading a non-fiction book. This will support your child as they continue to tackle complex words and longer texts over the year, both at home and at school in our Literacy sessions. 

Break times

Children may bring in a snack for morning or afternoon break. We do have a small amount of cups in our class, however we recommend the children bring in a bottle of water which is clearly labelled with their name.


I'm always happy to speak to parents but this is usually best when I will be on the gate at home time as mornings are very busy. However, a TA will be on the door to Skylarks/Lapwings building in the mornings and will be able to pass on any important messages. If you require a longer appointment, please arrange this through the office and I will be happy to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet with you.


Please ensure your child brings their coat to school, especially during colder months as we will be taking part in various outdoor learning activities each week.  Please ensure all items of uniform are clearly labelled with your child's name. Longer than shoulder-length hair should be tied back and shoes should be black, flat, sensible, closed-toe shoes.

PE Kits

Please ensure that your child's PE kit is  in school at all times to enable us to be flexible with our timetable if the weather is too poor to be outside. Please ensure that all items are clearly named so they can be easily located and returned to the correct child if they become lost or mixed up within the classroom.


Children are not permitted to bring in toys from home in case they get lost or broken.

It is very important to us that your child is happy and enjoys coming to school so if there are any problems or questions that you may have please don’t hesitate to send me a message via the office if you have any queries and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued support.

Cubert Primary School
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