
Autumn Term 2024

Mrs S Hardwick

Class Teacher

Thursday & Friday

Ms D Ambridge

Teaching Assistant

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Ms N Dickinson

Teaching Assistant

Thursday & Friday

It is important that all children have a coat, drinks bottle and healthy break time snack in school with them every day.


Homework is given out every week via Class Dojo. This will include a list of spellings to learn which the children will be tested on every Friday, times tables and frequent reading. Other pieces of homework given may vary week to week.


Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Children must have the correct PE kit in school with them on these days. The clothing should be black trousers/shorts, a white t-shirt, a plain jumper and pumps or trainers. Please ensure your child's PE kit is suitable for all weathers.


Reading is extremely beneficial for your child and is encouraged in any form. Children should be reading daily at home and signing their reading records. Parents are encouraged to listen to their child read or read with them, also signing their reading record. Children read daily in school and are regularly provided with opportunities to change their reading books, they should have their reading book in school with them every day. Children also have a weekly visit to the library where they have the opportunity to choose and take home a reading book from here. 

Times Tables

In Lapwings, we complete a weekly times tables test. Children are encouraged to beat their score each week and then identify where extra practice is needed. 'Times Tables Rock Stars' is a fun and exciting way for the children to practise! 

Miss S Campbell

Class Teacher

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

Mrs E Manley

Teaching Assistant

PPA cover Monday and Thursday afternoon.

Cubert Primary School
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